At the heart of our services are our workers.
We provide qualified, professional talent for every job we take on. We guide our engineers, technicians, programmers, and graphic artists through the execution of your project, allowing them creative freedom, while enforcing best practices and industry standards. Our software services include requirement gathering and analysis, project planning, execution, and management, as well as independent testing, deployment, and maintenance. All this is done with your project goals in mind. We protect your assets by ensuring all project requirements are met, and keep you apprised of the completion of every milestone along the way. If you would like to know more about how our talent pool and management methods can improve your ROI, give us a shout! You can reach us at [email protected].

We Love Reports!
One of our core provisions is a weekly report that details the progress on your specific project or contract. We understand the value of keeping you, our customer, in the loop regarding all activity related to a project. We keep these reports relevant, highlighting completed milestones, milestones that are in process, and plans for future milestones. Our reports follow government contracting standards, and adhere to GASB requirements. On commercial contracts these reports can be tailored to your needs, and can include hours worked, cost, schedule, and any other relevant information you or your stakeholders require. To find out more about how our reporting system works, contact us at 918.850.2522.

Reduce Risk
The most cost-effective way to reduce risk on any project is to implement automated testing. Our testing services employ modern testing methodologies and tools that allow you to minimize the many risks associated with software bugs, incomplete functionality and inadequate application performance. We also offer independent consulting to determine which tests are needed to ensure that your product meets industry-standard criteria. Connect with us if you would like to find out how our automated testing can reduce risk on your project or contract – [email protected].
Free Up Your Existing Resources
Integrate our team at any level – high-level, low-level, part-time, and full-time. Brainstorm with us to implement an automated solution for your routine tasks. We can perform routine IT support functions in order to free up your existing IT resources to work on more strategic IT objectives. In addition, high-level software development capabilities enable us to provide knowledge transfer and professional support for legacy applications and systems.
Click here to see a list of our technical qualifications